The Vault

Hey beautiful

Ever since I was a little girl, one of my biggest joys came from trying out new products and finding gems that REALLY worked me. In fact, I was so well versed with knowing what works and what doesn’t, I was trusted enough to refer my friends and family to things that I knew would work for them in their specific scenarios.

Over time, I have found many products that are now my ride or die companions whether they are health and nutrition products, skincare, eco living, zero waste, sustainable fashion and so on.

One of my biggest joys is buying from conscious enterprises that also demonstrate either a social responsibility, ethical sourcing models or giving back strategies. Voting with your money is one of the best ways you can demonstrate to the Universe what’s in alignment to you and what’s not.

I have been wanting to find a way to refer everyone that was interested via one single channel on my blog. I almost woke up one day and said “I NEED a Product Vault where I could blog about different products that I loved! and refer women who have a problem that they are looking to resolve to a potential solution that they might consider trying on themselves. After all, I trust word-of-mouth referrals the MOST.

So Welcome to The Vault. Click on the Product/Business Category below and explore all of my favourites!

The Vault



Some of the best nutrition products on the market, that I love and recommend highly…

Sleep (coming soon!)

My favourite products to sleep deeply and wake up feeling rested and relaxed…

Eco Living & Zero Waste

Live a life treading on Mother Earth lightly. Must-have products that do not cost the Earth…

Blogging & Business Tools
(coming soon!)

Revealing some of the best tools to build you blog, monetise your content and transform your passion into a thriving conscious and aligned business…