✖️2019 ✖️Has been so amazing and true to my intention to


If you follow my Instagram ( @itsupasana ) you would know that for the last 2 years, I have strayed away from setting hard goals and focusing more on how I want to feel throughout my year. This was a new concept I tried in 2018 and it has felt right to the core so I stuck through it again in 2019.

And yes, it worked a treat in 2019, so I will continue this way in 2020, until I want to pivot again.

I want to stress that goal setting may still be the way for you if you are ‘wired’ that way or if you are early in your spiritual journey and still cultivating that relationship with your intuitive emotional body. Please check my other post on Goal setting to learn how to set goals you love.

So. This was a busy busy year where I had so many balls up in the air. It challenged me and grew me in so many areas of my life. But I let go of so much dead weight in life and the process continues even in the last few remaining days of 2019.

Before I switch off for the rest of the year, I just wanted to come on here and blog about this wonderful year, before we permanently say goodbye to it and with it, the last teens we will ever live through. Yes we are as humanity now going into our twenties. We are all grown up, kids.

There is so much I could mention but some of my favorite highlights I want to share as I would love to look back on this post and remember are:

🧘‍♀️completed a 21 day Transcendental Meditation program.

🧘‍♀️tried my first Yoga class.

✨strengthened my meditation practice with over 10,000 minutes of recorded meditation (thanks to Dr. Joe Dispenza)

📚read some life changing books.

📩successfully delivered many cool projects at work (corporate).

🔮became obsessed with witchcraft after reading the most amazing book. It’s called ‘The Witch’ by Lisa Lester.

🌹invested in myself and joined a 9 month mentoring program and became a rebel heart #rebelsoflight2019 (thanks Tara Bliss )

👩🏻‍🎓invested in myself and learned all about business in the 21st century by finishing and becoming a B-School Graduate (thanks Marie Forleo )

💃🏻let go of a business that I felt out of alignment with coz #flow

🌷fell in love with DōTERRA as a company and essential oils as plant medicine.

🥰turned 31 #biggirlnow

🔮conceived and birthed @thewitchofoils – check it out on Instagram

💖strengthened my relationship with the cacao entity and sat in a sacred cacao/soul flight ceremony with Tim Morrison

💎started affiliate marketing on my blog

🔝surpassed 10k+ views on my blog for the first time since launch in 2013 with visitors from over 66 countries.

💃🏻learned about investing my spare millions coz #abundance

😈watched way too much @Netflix, not even sorry, sorry!

👯‍♀️made conscious effort to connect with likeminded women in person and online, some have blossomed into great virtual friendships and I’m sure will transform into real life. #connection

😘opened my heart again to falling in love.

Off course with so much growth, came a lot of sad times, down times, angry times, letting go moments, crying myself to sleep nights, surrender, remembering to come back to love, trusting and knowing that everything is always working out perfectly in divine time. 🌷

For the first time, I did not actually plan any of this going as explained at the start of this post except how I wanted to “feel” I.e. those 3 words and had left it all to the cosmos to orchestrate so I’m delighted to see how this year panned out.

Maybe setting goals is so #2010 – now we just #flow and the universe surprises us with life that’s in alignment with our highest selves. What do you think?

It’s time!

#2019 – thank you and goodbye.

I would love to know how your year panned out… beautiful. Let me know in comments.

Until next time


Upasana x

One response to “2019! thank you for the growth…”

  1. Hello! 2020 – Life's Lovely Little Lemons Avatar

    […] I love the energy of a brand new year. The vibes are full of possibilities and opportunities. If you are anything like me, you would have spent some time reflecting on the previous year. I even posted about how I felt going into 2019 at the start of last year that you can read here AND another post wrapping up 2019 that you can read here. […]
